Blog / Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Posted on 19 January 2015 at 09:03 pm (CET)
Category: Batteries, General
Posted on 19 January 2015 at 09:03 pm (CET)
Category: Batteries, General

Past few days I've been closing all of the battery boxes and they're attached to the frame as well now. They can't go anywhere anymore, can't get any movement in them at all. To be sure I still added some sealant inbetween the rubber and the boxes so they're completely waterproof. Even though it's all a bit thicker because of the few coats of paint on them it thankfully all still fits pretty good.

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Now I could attach the footrests, nerfbar and heelguards again.

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Then I tightened the nets in them again and placed the heelguards.

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Starting to look like a real quad bike again. This is what it looks like right now.

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

Meanwhile I still added the extra relay. Enabling and disabling the charge process works perfectly now.

E-Streetquad Battery boxes closed and assembling continued

The only thing that's actually left now is aligning the wheels and adding the saddle. Then I can finally make a test ride with it. Think this will happen on Saturday if the weather cooperates a little.