Blog / Aluminium mounts, controller and charger attached

Aluminium mounts, controller and charger attached
Posted on 29 September 2014 at 11:50 pm (CET)
Posted on 29 September 2014 at 11:50 pm (CET)
Today the mounts for the controller and top case were placed. I still really like the look of them.
I also put part of the temporary aluminium enclosure around the controller and placed it on the mounts. While it's an ugly enclosure I think it looks much better than before now it's matte black. It still is a shame that the controller itself won't be visible for now though, untill I can make something else for it.
The charger is also attached. This is hanging nicely in there as well now.
I think I'll start with charging the batteries one by one at the same level tomorrow. Meanwhile I can continue filling up the other boxes with components and connecting some wires again.