Blog / January 2015
Posted on 31 January 2015 at 09:51 pm (CET)
Category: General
Posted on 25 January 2015 at 11:46 pm (CET)
Category: General
Since I really couldn't wait anymore I made some more space here to be able to test for a bit. Can't really turn or anything so it's just a forward and reverse test. But as you can see it's all working great. It's set to half power now and already wants to accelerate pretty quickly, just need some more space.
Hopefully I can have a real test ride outside and at full power very soon. It's all up to the weather now.
Posted on 24 January 2015 at 11:56 pm (CET)
Category: General
Posted on 24 January 2015 at 11:56 pm (CET)
Category: General
Thanks to the snow I wasn't able to have a test ride today. Will probably still be here tomorrow as well so it'll have to wait till next week. Hopefully the weather will be better then. The quad bike is definately ready for it.
The wheels are aligned.
Meanwhile I also connected all of the lights. Worked perfectly right away. First I had only connected the brake and turn signal lights for the test ride.
I just noticed that the turn signal lights stay on weakly while flashing. Don't think it'll give any problems for the road approval test but I don't think it should be like this. Normally they should go out completely. It's a new turn signal relay so that can't be the problem.
Since the test ride couldn't go on I also connected the rest of the lights and the horn.
Rear light.
And the headlights. Right is low beam and left is high beam, both in combination with running lights. Just like original, will leave it like that for now for the road approval test. Daytime running light is also connected but didn't take a picture of it. It's nothing special, will also be changed after the road approval test.
This coming week I will tidy everything up and maybe even add the fenders already. For the rest it's just waiting for better weather.
Posted on 19 January 2015 at 09:03 pm (CET)
Past few days I've been closing all of the battery boxes and they're attached to the frame as well now. They can't go anywhere anymore, can't get any movement in them at all. To be sure I still added some sealant inbetween the rubber and the boxes so they're completely waterproof. Even though it's all a bit thicker because of the few coats of paint on them it thankfully all still fits pretty good.
Now I could attach the footrests, nerfbar and heelguards again.
Then I tightened the nets in them again and placed the heelguards.
Starting to look like a real quad bike again. This is what it looks like right now.
Meanwhile I still added the extra relay. Enabling and disabling the charge process works perfectly now.
The only thing that's actually left now is aligning the wheels and adding the saddle. Then I can finally make a test ride with it. Think this will happen on Saturday if the weather cooperates a little.
Posted on 16 January 2015 at 11:37 pm (CET)
Posted on 16 January 2015 at 11:37 pm (CET)
I have all of the connections on the controller and motor covered up now. should be safe enough like this.
Also placed the last part of the enclosure on the controller. Doesn't look very pretty but for now it'll have to do. It's important for the road approval test at the RDW.
After that I already attached the rear lights and license plate holder. It all barely fits between the controller's enclosure and top case.
A long while ago I already made the charge cable but I had to get a different plug for this back then. I still hadn't put that one on yet so I've done that as well now. It's not suitable for charge stations, I won't make use of them anyway. Will just be charged from an outlet at home.
And then some more good news, charging the battery pack for the first time went perfectly as well. The battery cells were all still close to full so it didn't need much time. The BMS disables the charger when it has to so no problems there either. Only thing not working is a button I want to use to enable and disable the charge process. Just still have to add an extra relay to it so that's an easy fix.