Blog / The longest ride so far

Last week I had another ride which was actually the longest so far. I went to visit the company that helped making the aluminum parts (Geraets Metaalbewerking). I promised them a while ago already that I'd come there to show the quad bike but just never got around to it. But now was the time to finally do it.
Pretty much the whole ride was on Eco mode to make sure I could actually get there. I was a bit worried since the range of this quad bike is still pretty low at only 30-35 km (18-21 miles). The distance to there is about 23 km (14 miles) so I went a bit easy on the power. In the end though it doesn't seem to make that much difference if I use Eco or Sport mode. Power is limited in Eco mode but since it takes me longer to get to a certain speed I still end up using around the same power as when I get there quickly using Sport mode.
Thankfully I could get there without a problem with still around 30% battery left. On the way back I was a bit less conservative and used Sport mode a few times. Again I had about 30% left. The way back was a bit shorter though since I could take a small shortcut. Ofcourse I did have to recharge while on visit, took about 2,5 hours from 30% back to 100%.
This was a really fun day for me, spent a lot more time than usual on the quad bike and it was really nice to show that company the quad bike. They only saw the aluminum parts that they made for me back then. Now they could see them mounted on the quad bike and the actual result of the project itself. :)
There were also 3 firsts during this ride, first time riding through a 'bigger' city, the first time on an highway (100 km/h / 62 mph) and also the first time actually making it to 100 km/h (62 mph). It was behind a truck and going downhill but it counts! Both riding in the city and on the highway were pretty weird but fun at the same time. Ofcourse I also had to make a video of it again, think it's also the longest video so far. :D