Blog / 3D drawing of the batteries
Was a bit bored today waiting for the plate for the motor mount to arrive. So I played around a bit in SketchUp and replicated the batteries I will be using. Think it turned out pretty well, first time actually using the program.
Also made one of the battery box (the biggest one) in which the batteries will be held together. And I'm in luck, there are 2 sizes given for the width of the batteries on the supplier's website but the smallest size seems to be correct. I always assumed the larger size to be correct. This will give me another 3mm to spare for each battery which is quite a lot really. Will be even easier to place them.
Only problem is I have to make sure they won't be able to move inside of the box. That's why I'm making this 3D drawing, to discover a solution for this.
I also filled up the box with batteries, pretty fun program. Easy to work with.
Think I'll continue and add the BMS boards and connections as well.